Feel free to ask anyone in Pleasure if you have a question about sexual or relationship health. They are also great resources to help connect you to the right staff on campus.
Violence Prevention and Response (VPR). PLEASURE is trained and supported by VPR. VPR is a confidential office on campus. We address issues related to gender-based violence, sexual assault and harassment, stalking or discrimination related to gender or sexuality. We also seek to support folks in our community toward creating a safe and positive culture on campus for all community members. We serve people people of all genders and we are available to the entire MIT community. Because we are a confidential resource, we are able follow the wishes of the individual we are serving in terms of reporting or not. This makes us a great place to start if you are not sure where to turn about an issue. No question or issue is to small to reach out to us. Our hotline is 617-253-2300. The VPR team is available virtually during the Fall 2020 semester due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our trusted colleagues:
MIT Medical is MIT’s health system. With MIT’s unique culture in mind, MIT Medical provides resources and designs programs to help all members of the MIT community learn about making healthy choices that will allow you to get the most out of your time at MIT.
Urgent Care Phone (confidential): 617-253-4481
Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (confidential) provides free, confidential support and services to survivors of sexual violence ages 12 and up and their families and friends. [BARCC] works with survivors of all genders, and our goal is to empower survivors to heal and seek justice in ways that are meaningful to them. [They] meet the needs of survivors in crisis and long after, and also assist them as they navigate the health-care, criminal legal, social service, and school systems. (Central Square Cambridge)
Phone (24-hour hotline): (617) 492-7273
MIT Mental Health and Counseling (confidential) works with students to identify, understand, and solve problems, and to help transform that understanding into positive action. [They] see nearly 21 percent of the student body each year, and about 29 percent of students in a given class by the time they graduate. Amongst other services, they can provide evaluations and consultations, brief treatment (counseling/psychotherapy and medication), referrals to non-MIT Medical clinicians and outreach, education, and prevention.
Phone: 617-253-2916 or 617-253-4481
Walk-in hours: Monday through Friday, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (contact for changes related to COVID-19)
LGBTQ@MIT (private) supports numerous student, employee, and alumni groups as well as other departments and initiatives on campus aiming to foster equity, intersectionality, and the continuum of social justice. From individual student support to organizational development and institutional policy advocacy, LBGTQ+ Services’ support, programming, and educational endeavors aim to enhance the experiences of MIT’s LBGTQ+ community.
Student Support Services (S3)(private) is a friendly and easily accessible hub of support for MIT students. Whether you are struggling with a PSET due to personal hardship, you feel too ill to take an exam, you are considering taking time away from the Institute, or you just aren’t sure who to talk to, S3 can help.
Phone: 617-253-4861
Campus Police/EMS
(617) 253-1212 or dial 100 on campus
Other possibly useful links:
Sleep/ relaxation recordings @ MIT